8. “Come out of Her My People”
The identity of Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17-18 is disputed by many. Some claim she is Jerusalem, others Rome, New York city, the United Nations, Washington DC, or the United States. A few interpreters claim that the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq will be rebuilt in order to fulfill this prophecy. However, most of these identifications and interpretations are the result of a very narrow historical perspective, looking at prophecy merely in relation to current events. Few modern interpreters look at prophecy from the perspective of God’s record in the Bible of dealing with Israel and the nations.
Throughout my ministry I have consistently identified Mystery Babylon as Rome. This was the interpretation of the earliest Christian writers, especially those who had some kind of connection to the Apostle John who wrote Revelation. More than ever, I am convinced they were right.
However, geographic location and the physical structures of a city are not the most important aspects of this prophecy. God is not going to pour out His wrath on stones, concrete, and asphalt for the sins described in Revelation 17-18, which includes the murder of Jesus’ saints, Apostles, and prophets.[1]
The name “Mystery Babylon” suggests two things:
- That this is a hidden enigma requiring wisdom to decipher
- That it is related to ancient Babylon is some way
“Mystery Babylon” is indeed a city, since John identified it as “that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”[2] The Greek reads ἡ ἔχουσα βασιλείαν, literally “her holding dominion.” The articular present participle requires that this was true when John wrote Revelation. It can be no other city than Rome which at the time was the seat of the Roman Empire.
However, Mystery Babylon is much more than just a city. It is a political – religious system that has stretched from the time of the Apostles to the present, and will be utterly destroyed at the mid-point of the Seventieth Week of Daniel 9. While the city of Rome was and still is the seat of this particular power, its dominion stretches far and wide in many nations of the earth. God’s judgment is going to be of the whole system. That is, the whole system and its grip on many people of many nations and ethnicities is going to be broken when the seat of its power is utterly destroyed.
This begs the question of why Rome is called “Mystery Babylon,” why certain characteristics are drawn from prophecies against ancient Babylon, and why other characteristics are drawn from prophetic statements about Jerusalem’s harlotry.
The book of Revelation draws on a great deal of Old Testament history and prophecy. Many suppose that the prophecies of the Old Testament which are alluded to in Revelation are specific prophecies about the end times. While that may be true in some cases, more often the prophecies alluded to were fulfilled long ago. For example, the sealing of the 144,000 in their foreheads in Revelation 7 makes an allusion to the sealing in the foreheads of faithful Israelites in Ezekiel 9. Yet that passage was an explanation of how God was going to preserve a small remnant of Israelites when He sent Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and take Israel into exile in Babylon. Another example concerns the two witnesses in Revelation 10 who will prophecy for 1,260 days. Yet this prophecy references the “two olive trees” of Zechariah 4:3-14 who in that context were Haggai and Zechariah, God’s two witnesses while the second Temple was being constructed after the Babylonian exile. It is apparent then that the connections to Old Testament prophecy are often by way of comparison or parallels. The fulfillment of those ancient prophecies in biblical history provides the patterns and understanding for how the prophecies in Revelation will be fulfilled in the last days.
There is no doubt that there are similarities between what Revelation says about Mystery Babylon being a harlot and what the Old Testament prophets said about Jerusalem’s harlotry when God was about to send Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem. Yet some of the things stated about Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17-18 are drawn from prophecies about God’s judgment of ancient Babylon after He used her to judge Israel, particularly from Jeremiah 50-51.
Ancient Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar was “a golden cup in the LORD’s hand, that made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore the nations are deranged.”[3] Mystery Babylon, Rome, was portrayed as: “The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.”[4] When Isaiah prophesied of the fall of ancient Babylon by the hand of Cyrus, he wrote: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen! And all the carved images of her gods He has broken to the ground.”[5] Of the same Jeremiah wrote, “Babylon has suddenly fallen and been destroyed. Wail for her!”[6] But John wrote concerning Mystery Babylon, ”Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,”[7] and again, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!”[8]
The answer to this “mystery” is simply this: Exactly as God used a pagan kingdom, Babylon, to judge Jerusalem and destroy His own house at the beginning of the first exile, He used another pagan kingdom, Rome, to judge Jerusalem and destroy His own house at the beginning of the second exile in AD 70. But while Rome was God’s battering ram against Jerusalem, she also turned her wrath against and murdered the Apostles and Christians.
So why then does Revelation portray Rome using the language of harlotry which is how God portrayed unfaithful Israel in many places in the Old Testament? It is because the Roman church was seduced by the Roman Emperor Constantine into merging church and state. Instead of remaining a pure virgin for Christ, she entered the bed of the Roman Emperor and became his concubine and handmaid. Constantine brought an end to persecution of Christians, but it came at an awful price, her virginity. The pagan emperor essentially became the head of the Roman church. Christians who would not go along with this merger of church and state became the enemies of the Roman church-state and were persecuted. The power of the civil government was placed behind the church, and the will of the pagan emperor controlled the church. The militant and carnal exercise of dominion by Rome has continued since that time. The ghost of Constantine still controls the church-state centered in Rome’s Vatican. Christianity became an earthly kingdom using the power of the sword to conquer and control the masses, instead of winning souls by faithfully portraying Jesus Christ while awaiting her groom to establish His Kingdom.
Many think that Rome was overthrown. Not so. The system called “Mystery Babylon” which is centered in Rome still exercises power by carnal means in a significant part of the world, including in the United States. The Vatican is an independent nation, and has political embassies in many countries, and has a great deal of political power. She has ridden on the back of the Beast for a long time, taking her power to rule from Satan. But a woman cannot ride a wild beast indefinitely before it devours her.
Revelation 17 tells us that the ten kings which arise out of the old Roman Empire[9] (which are the ten horns on the wild beast) will suddenly turn against her and utterly destroy and burn her with fire.[10] Then they will give their kingdoms and power to the Antichrist[11] (the little horn of Daniel 7) who will reign for 42 months.[12]
It is significant that the culture war in the United States has in large part concerned sexuality and abortion. Evangelical Christians are rightly opposed to deviant sexuality and abortion. But these are no different from the practices of virtually all ancient cultures which had hardened themselves against the knowledge of God and embraced paganism.[13] Sexual perversion has been a hallmark of pagan societies, and so also has child-sacrifice. In fact, both were incorporated into the worship of demons. We should not be surprised when modern idolaters who have taken over the culture sacrifice their children to demons under the label “abortion.” We should not be surprised that these idolators want to groom all children with forced indoctrination into their deviant behavior.
But in case some have not noticed, all of this is coming to a head. The stalemate is over. The recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and the suggestion by Justice Clarence Thomas about revisiting some other past decisions, perhaps gay marriage, means we are about to face a showdown at the OK Corral. And Rome is in the middle of all this. The Supreme Court of the United States has a lot of Roman Catholics seated on the bench. These are all of the conservatives: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch,[14] Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Barrett. On the other hand, Steven Breyer and Elena Kagan are Jewish and liberals, and newly appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson claims to be Protestant. The hatred leveled against the Conservative Justices who are virtually all Roman Catholic is equally leveled against the Vatican and its public stance regarding these issues.
While Revelation 17-18 gives a long list of the sins of Mystery Babylon which reach up to heaven, it is primarily her harlotry with the kings of the earth which brings God’s judgement. As stated earlier, the merging of Christianity with politics, the use of carnal weapons to enforce a certain kind of Christian morality upon unregenerated people, began with Constantine. This is the nations’ drinking from the cup of her fornication. It continues in many nations with Rome’s strong political influence including the United States.
Both Catholic and Protestant denominations have exerted significant political pressure in the United States. But during the 1970s, Christian political organizations sprang up which consisted largely of Evangelical and Fundamentalist groups. This included the “Christian Voice,” the “Moral Majority” founded by Jerry Falwell, the “Religious Roundtable,” and the “National Christian Action Coalition,” all of which had significant influence on the election of Ronald Reagan and Republican congressional members. Several influential Charismatic figures also were heavily involved, including Pat Robertson and James Robison. Charismatic infiltration of politics has only increased since then, taking the form of “Dominionist Theology” which combines political activism, Charismatic “spiritual warfare” (which resembles witchcraft), and overt measures to seize control of various aspects of society. The latest organized dominionist group is called the “Seven Mountain Mandate.” How is that for an obvious identification with “Mystery Babylon?” “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits” (Rev. 17:9 NKJ). This organization has heavily supported Donald Trump, and one of its members, Evangelist Paula White, was President Trump’s personal pastor and spiritual advisor.
The “Christian-Right,” the “Evangelical” wing of the Republican party, has increasingly allied with Rome and some of the darker forces in the Charismatic movement in using carnal weapons to fight an alleged “spiritual battle” that is not ours to fight. The intent is to impose Christian morality upon an increasingly ungodly and pagan society which will not stand for it. With the arrival of Donald Trump on the political scene, backed by Charismatic Dominionist theology (which is just a repackaging of Rome’s Constantinian Christianity in the United States), a new “Constantine” hero has emerged. Evangelical Christians adore this man, supposing that he will reimpose a forced morality upon this culture just as the early Roman Christians did with their hero, Constantine. But this new hero is not a “David” who was a godly king and trusted in God’s strength and wisdom to deliver His people by His supernatural means. This new American hero of Constantinian Christianity is a Saul, a man who trusts in his own ego and charisma, who is utterly rejected by God. He is leading Evangelical American Christians into an ambush.
Will the city of Rome be overthrown and burned with fire literally as Revelation 17-18 suggests? Yes. This will be seen as the overthrow of militant Christianity with its imposed morals. But the effect will be felt all over the world, and all militant forms of Christianity will crumble. Many Christians will be casualties in this overthrow of pseudo-Christianity. And it will be the driving force behind the persecution of Christians as well as the apostasy of many Christians.
But a small minority of Christians will do just fine because God will preserve them as promised in Revelation 3:10 and Revelation 12. These are the Christians who heed the warning in Revelation 18:4, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” They are the ones who are overcomers, because they heed Jesus’ warnings in the seven letters and repent of their sins, they “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,”[15] and they are those who “keep the commands of God and the Faith of Jesus.”[16] They are the “Bride [who] has made herself ready.”[17]
Coming out of her is not just evacuating the city of Rome, or leaving Roman Catholicism. Rome’s daughters, the Protestant denominations and most of Evangelicalism, are still under her dominion to a large extent because of their mixing patriotism with Christianity, the use of carnal rather than spiritual weapons to achieve their goals. Coming out of Mystery Babylon involves throwing off her idolatry, her tainted theology, her pagan practices which have been “Christianized,” and especially her use of carnal weapons – political means – to accomplish allegedly spiritual and moral goals, to change society externally instead of changing hearts and minds by humble obedience to Christ’s commands. These are the trappings of her harlotry being committed with the kings of the earth. Trust in and devotion to populist political figures who are unregenerate, as the hope of salvaging the American Christian Kingdom, is a fool’s errand and will bring the wrath of the wicked and no help at all from God. That kind of Christianity will be burned to the ground along with Mystery Babylon.
Go to: 9. False Prophets are a Sign the End is Near
[1] Rev. 18:20
[2] Rev. 17:18
[3] Jer. 51:7
[4] Rev. 17:4
[5] Isa. 21:9 NKJV
[6] Jer. 51:8 NKJV
[7] Rev. 14:8 NKJV
[8] Rev. 18:2 NKJV
[9] The 4th Beast of Daniel 8, and the 10 toes emerge from the legs of Iron (Rome) of the great image of Dan. 2
[10] Cf. Dan. 7:7-8,11
[11] Rev. 17:12,16-17
[12] Rev. 13:5
[13] Rom. 1:18-32
[14] Neil Gorsuch was raised Catholic, and attended Catholic schools, but attends an Episcopalian church with his wife who is Episcopalian.
[15] Rev. 7:14 (NKJV)
[16] Rev. 14:12 (NKJV)
[17] Rev. 19:7 (NKJV)
12 thoughts on “8. “Come out of Her My People””
Great article, but I must ask: Does this mean that you think the Supreme Court decision was a mistake?
No, not a mistake. It was absolutely the right decision based on the US constitution, as well as morality and decency. But it is too late. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He was right. The US Constitution is no longer adequate because the majority of the population is immoral and the government institutions are corrupt.
Pandora’s box has been opened. The Supreme Court cannot make much difference regarding stopping abortions, but its decisions will be a catalyst for extreme hatred of Christians. This hatred will NOT be because US Christians are humbly following in the footsteps of Jesus (He was not a political activist), but because we are imposing our morals upon a lawless society by force of law instead of showing them a better way by example.
Christians are badly mistaken who conflate their anti-abortion stance or gay marriage opposition and other political activity with living out their Christianity. I don’t know the state of Christianity in Sweden, but here (especially in the South) the line between politics and Christianity is extremely blurred. Christians are clutching their Bibles in one hand, their guns in the other, and demanding their “rights.” Their carnal, Constantinian Christianity looks nothing like what Paul described in Philippians 3.
I would say the situation is pretty much the same in Sweden, even though we have much stricter laws against guns.
I really appreciate your analysis about the sitation for Christians henceforth. I now also better understand the earlier discussions regarding conspiracy theories. You help me navigate through the tough times ahead. Thanks Brother!
I believe it was Winston Churchill who said, “The farther you look back (in history) the farther you can see ahead” (or something like that).
In any case, while others are looking to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and talking heads on Fox News or talk radio to get their talking points and instructions for a second American Revolution, the Bible tells us to look elsewhere: Heb. 6 (LGV) “11 Yet we are longing for every one of you to demonstrate diligence towards the assurance of the hope until the consummation, 12 so that you may not become lazy, but imitators of those who through faith and endurance inherit the promises.” Then in Heb. 11 he gives a list of some of those whom we must imitate if we expect to receive the inheritance. The example of the giants of faith, such as Abraham and Moses, is that they had to forsake their homeland. The consistent example with these and a plethora of other figures in the OT is that the “arm of flesh will fail” and God does not bless our efforts. We must discern and get on board with His agenda. It is the Hagar vs. Sarah scenario. Most American Christians seem to be bent on the “Hagar” approach, and they think nothing of blatantly disobeying God’s clear commands in the process. They think that they, along with their political heroes, are going to “Make America Great Again” with the “arm of flesh.”
Navigating the end times is easy: Follow the commands of Scripture, follow the examples of the people of faith who considered themselves aliens and pilgrims, ignore the crowd and all the noise (including conspiracy theories), and “Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Pet. 1:13 NASB).
Regarding Christians taking up social and political causes, the following passage says it well, IMO. “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14 ESV)
Thanks Tim!
Another well written article that brings a clear perspective on the state of our nation and the the genuine results of the Supreme Court’s decision and future plans. Like I tell others, things will get worse for genuine Christians, homeschoolers, gun owners, the unvaccinated, etc.
As always we must continue steadfast in prayer, in the Word and fellowship. We must be diligent in searching all things out and hold fast to al that is true.
Thank you again for your encouragement.
Joe — “Like I tell others, things will get worse for genuine Christians, homeschoolers, gun owners, the unvaccinated, etc.”
I am wondering; Why do you place “gun owners” and “the unvaccinated” together with “genuine Christians?” I understand linking homeschoolers with genuine Christians since many Christians homeschool their children in order to teach them biblical principles and to avoid having them exposed to leftist indoctrination. But gun ownership and opposing vaccines have no connection to “genuine Christianity” as far as I can tell from Scripture but are political preferences. If we are going to be persecuted, shouldn’t it be “for Jesus’ sake” rather than for political activism? “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.” (Matt. 5:10-11 NKJ)
Good article Tim! I’m wondering how “come out of her” looks in a practical way. Will there be a call at some point in the future? Do we exit our churches at that time or do we start “coming out” now? I understand the idea of rejecting the pagan holidays and doctrines and I DO cringe at some of the doctrines preached at our assembly, but I also struggle with the fact that errant doctrines are not necessarily a sign of apostasy.
Possibly the two witnesses give that call?
“Should I stay or should I go now?
If I stay there will be trouble
If I go it could be double”
IMO, the call to “come out of her My People” is not a call to evacuate all churches and denominations that have any connection to Rome. Rather, it is a call to abandon the mindset of Mystery Babylon in our personal lives and worship. You can attend a particular congregation and not participate in the latent paganism. You can still honor the Sabbath. But even more importantly, IMO now is the time to abandon the Constantinian mindset of using the world’s methods to accomplish allegedly righteous political objectives, to align the churches with political objectives which was and still is “harlotry.” In particular I am referring to the blending of political activism with Christianity that has become extremely prevalent ever since Jerry Fallwell’s “Moral Majority.” So called “patriotism” and “Christianity” should not be co-mingled, especially when so-called “patriotism” taints the message of Christ with things He did not stand for, such as gun rights or anti-vaccine rights. These are inherently selfish concerns not self-less concerns. Jesus did not come to change the government, laws, or stand for His or our “rights.” He did not even come to lobby against the pagan practice of child-sacrifice (yes abortion and infanticide was a common practice in the first century), or lobby for government restrictions on sexual behavior. He came to call individual sinners to repentance, and to set an example of selflessness, and to call and inspire some to follow in His footsteps the difficult path that leads to life.
Tim, you mentioned that entire mystery Babylon system will be destroyed in the middle of the seventieth week when the Vatican in Rome is literally obliterated by fire. While I believe that to be true, it is difficult to envision the Protestant denominations, their militant political ‘Christianity’ and paganism going down with the RCC since they are not directly joined to Rome. It simply retains some of Rome’s pagan ways. In addition, it doesn’t seem to me that the RCC with her leftist Pope and Militant Evangelicalism are both catching the ire of the unregenerate but only the latter. I have personally found this to be true, and the MSM daily lambasts evangelicals. Could you elaborate on how the two will be linked and crumble together?
We know from Revelation 17 that “Mystery Babylon” (which is the Christian harlot, primarily and symbolically centered in Rome) will be utterly destroyed at the mid-point of the 70th week. This is exactly when the 10 kings of Europe give their kingdoms to the Beast, and the whole world will “worship” the Beast and his image instead of God and His “image” (the Son – Col. 1:15). This is because the present pseudo-Christianity will be thrown off completely by Europe and other nations (of the 4th Beast of Dan. 7). Also, at this time the Antichrist will sit in the Temple of God in Jerusalem and be worshipped as “God” (supreme sovereign of the earth). Thus, “Christianity” as a political entity exerting its will and power over peoples and nations (by a promise of eternity in “heaven” for all who comply and threat of eternal torment in “hell” for all who oppose) will completely cease to exist.
Right now, Rome holds a great deal of power over the governments of Europe and elsewhere. At the beginning of this pseudo-Christianity, the emperor Constantine seduced the church of Rome to pronounce him as God’s chosen vicar, that the Roman Empire became the “Kingdom of God” and Rome became the “City of God.” Ever since that time, the woman has ridden on the back of the Beast. Europe has been governed by a political arrangement between church and state, whereby the church declares God’s choice for ruler and condemns all who oppose to eternal torment, and the ruler enforces church doctrine by force of law.
Even after the split between the Roman and Orthodox churches, and then the Protestant Reformation, this arrangement has continued in the Church of England, Church of Scotland, all of the Orthodox Churches, etc.. Even now Putin is attempting to use and manipulate the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Ukrainians do the same with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
While it may appear that this situation does not exist in the USA, that is only an illusion. Evangelicalism (which is not as easily defined) holds great political power over government and policy, and many officials trade favors with Evangelical leaders in order to get their endorsement. While those behind the scenes are not as easily defined as in Roman Catholicism, the Church of England, etc., the same “harlotry” exists here in the USA. The US Evangelical political entity is easily manipulated by populist figures who know which hot buttons to push to get Evangelicals to vote a certain way to keep them in power. This is done partly through promoting conspiracy theories. While here the manipulation has to contend more with the democratic process than what is seen in Europe, it is nevertheless the same merging of church and state. It is simply that in the US it takes a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down as in Europe. This requires much more effort in manipulating the masses of Evangelical Christians in order to get them to vote as a bloc.
From the outside these may look like completely different entities because of theological differences among them. But, they all are driven by the same spirit of this world, which exerts power and influence over governments OTHER than the power and influence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the call to individual repentance. They attempt to force societies filled with unrepentant and unregenerate people to comply with a pseudo-Christian standard. And political figures use this external pseudo-Christianity for their own purposes of power and wealth.
The call to “come out of her My people” has been the call of God from the very beginning of this monstrosity called “Mystery Babylon,” not just at the very end. It is a call back to the true Gospel of the Kingdom, to follow in the footsteps of Abraham, and to consider ourselves aliens and strangers living in a foreign land, and to represent Christ and His Kingdom and cause accurately in a fallen world. It is not to give the fallen world a face-lift. There are just different manifestations of the same thing — Christian harlotry — adapted to various political systems and various denominations.
Look at it from a strategic and tactical perspective. What would be the best and easiest way to take down external “Christianity” and replace it with the worship of Satan and his Agent, Antichrist, to completely break the back of world-wide “Christianity” as it is perceived by the world? It would be to take out the city of Rome and with it the Vatican. Doing so will collapse the entire political structure of Europe influenced by this pseudo-Christianity. This is absolutely essential to make way for the Antichrist and Satan’s kingdom to take its place.
My message in this post is that now is the time for genuine Christians (those who seek to keep the commandments of Christ) to disengage from the harlotry of Mystery Babylon, and to follow Abraham’s footsteps and leave our own “Ur” behind, to become pilgrims and aliens living in a foreign land. The Kingdom of God is at hand!
2 Cor. 6:14 — 7:1 (NKJV) 14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” 17 Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” 18 “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty.” 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
American Christians have been sold on a philosophy that the political Left is driven by the Kingdom of Darkness and the political Right is driven by the Kingdom of Light. That is only half-true. The great divide and opposing forces represented in the US Supreme Court is not between the Kingdom of Darkness vs. the Kingdom of Light. It is just an American manifestation of the struggle between “Mystery Babylon” (on the Right) and the “Beast” (on the Left) who has been carrying her ever since Constantine and the Council of Nicaea.
Very interesting and I have thought about leaving the baptist church I attend as I disagree with so much. I agree with everything you teach so far and wondered if you could recommend a suitable church here in the uk