BBI II-B #5 The Son & Creation, 3 Biblical Unitarian FAILS
Biblical Unitarians (Socinians) DENY that God’s Son existed since creation and was God’s Agent through whom He created all things. They offer three contradictory arguments in their attempts to explain away John 1:3,10 and Col. 1:16. But each argument uses either faulty logic or impossible interpretations of the Greek grammar, and each falsifies the others. These are:
- When the text says all things were created “through Him,” this clause really means “on account of Him,” or “because of Him.” The Greek grammar forbids this claim.
- John 1 and Col. 1 are claimed to be about the incarnation of a “personification,” an Old Testament literary device where God’s abstract attributes “Word” (“Plan” or “Speech”) and “Wisdom” (God’s abstract wisdom) become incarnate in Jesus. Again, both the Greek grammar and simple logic forbid this explanation.
- The “creation” in both passages refers to the “new creation” made possible by the work of Jesus. Again, the Greek grammar makes this interpretation impossible.
Go to: BBI II-C #1 Yahweh’s “Messenger,” the “Image of the Invisible God”