BBI II-C #2 “The Mighty One of Jacob” as Yahweh’s “Messenger”
The “Mighty One of Jacob” was Yahweh’s “Messenger” who appeared to Jacob at the top of a ladder. Jacob anointed with oil the Stone at the base of the ladder, and named it “Bethel,” the House of God. The vision of the ladder, with Yahweh’s “Messenger” at the top and the Anointed Stone at the base, is an allegory of the descent of Yahweh’s Messenger’s from heaven to become the “Christ,” the Anointed “Foundation Stone.” Unfortunately, Jacob’s Ladder was quickly perverted by Roman Christianity into the symbol of man’s ascent to heaven, based on the Greek philosophy of Plato. Yet it is easy to see this allegory in light of John’s Gospel in the many statements where it is said that Jesus descended from heaven (John 3:13,31; John 6:38,62; John 8:23; John 16:5,26-30; John 17:5,24).
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