BBI II-A: #1 Objectivity in the Pursuit of Pristine Monotheism
I have begun a new video series on the topic of God and His Son. This is a remake of the Bereans Bible Institute Module II series “The Doctrine of God” which was originally done in 2014-2015 when we were first coming out of Trinitarianism. I have studied and learned a great deal since those days, which makes a complete remake of that series necessary.
The first episode is an introduction, dealing with the process of finding the pristine apostolic doctrine from God’s Word. It covers the 10 BBI principles of interpretation. If you have any questions about the video, feel free to post them below.
These lessons are available in both audio and video format. Audios can be downloaded for use in mp3 players. Click the 3 dots at the right of the player to download.
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Go to: BBI II-A: #2 Most Christians don’t know what the word “God” means