BBI II-D #4 Does God’s speaking through His Son LAST disprove preexistence?
Hebrews 1:1-2 is used by ‘Biblical’ Unitarians as proof that the Son of God did not exist before the prophets. Yet they seriously misrepresent what the text actually indicates. They ignore the many similar statements in both the Old and New Testaments which limit this statement to God’s using the prophets to warn rebellious Israel (the “fathers” after the exodus), and they seem oblivious to the parallel with Jesus’ parable of the Vineyard owner who sent his servants who were abused and lastly sent His beloved Son. Using this passage as a “proof-text” is a perfect example of ‘Biblical’ Unitarian poor hermeneutics and poor logic, forcing Scripture to fit a preconceived paradigm. This is anything but ‘biblical.’