Have a Blessed Passover!
Tonight is PASSOVER, the most awesome time of the year! It was on this night 1993 years ago that Jesus shared His last Passover with His disciples, knowing full well that in the morning He would be hanging on a cross, finishing the work that His Father sent Him here to do.
Unfortunately, the Roman church sought to distance Christianity from all things Jewish, abandoning both the Feasts and the Sabbath. Most Christians do not remember the sacrifice of Christ on the anniversary of that event and within the historical setting (Passover) in which He commanded His disciples to “do this in remembrance of Me.” The Christian Passover has been completely dislodged from the calendar, and its many symbolic connections to God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt have been largely abandoned. The most solemn day of the year has become just an afterthought for most of Christianity. Yet the story of the exodus from Egypt, the wilderness sojourn, and eventual arrival in the Promised Land forms the perfect illustration of the Christian life. “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” (1 Cor. 10:11 NASB)
Diane and I wish all of you the best as you gather with yours to remember and to “show forth the Lord’s death until He comes.”
2 thoughts on “Have a Blessed Passover!”
Thank you Tim, and the same wishes for you, Diane, and your whole fellowship!
Anders & Helene
Shalom Tim and Diane.
Vicky and I appreciate everything you have shared.