Thoughts on the re-election of Donald Trump
Ephesians 6:10-13 (LGV) 10 Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Master and in the power of His strength! 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you may be able to withstand the trickery of the Slanderer, 12 because we do not struggle with flesh and blood, but with authorities, with powers, with the princes of the darkness of this age, against spiritual conspirators in the celestial dominions. 13 Therefore take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm in the day, the perilous one, and having accomplished everything, to stand firm.
I doubt that any true Christian can deny that war between the “spiritual conspirators in the celestial dominions” and God’s own forces is coming to a head, and that the final spiritual battle described in Revelation 12, where Satan is cast down to the earth, is soon to commence. The supernatural manifestations of this ongoing war have become more and more apparent in the US ever since the Obama era. In the past I have mostly refrained from public comment on current events out of fear of misinterpreting either the events or the biblical prophecies. But it is becoming harder to remain silent, as the picture is becoming clearer.
The Bible repeatedly refers to certain men whom God “raised up” at critical times in Israel’s history. Some of these men God “raised up” to make His power known and/or to punish His people such as Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar. Others God “raised up” as deliverers for His people such as David and Cyrus.
Ever since Donald Trump became president in 2016, I have been convinced that God indeed “raised up” Trump for His own purposes. The failed law-fare and failed assassination attempts have solidified this belief. What was unclear to me has been whether he was to be a tool for God’s judgment and purging, or as a deliverer, or perhaps both simultaneously. In any case, it is quite clear that the time is short, and the end is near.
I have been very uncomfortable with the seemingly wild devotion of Evangelical Christians to this man, and how easily Christians parrot conspiracy theories of the far right, even to the point of boldly disobeying the commands of Scripture to submit to government authority (except where such would require disobeying God’s clear commands). This was especially evident during the Covid pandemic. Yet God can and does use rebellion of His own people to accomplish His ultimate purposes. He certainly is the one who raises up and deposes kings and presidents, as Nebuchadnezzar learned the hard way. Christians’ misplaced “patriotism,” zeal, and even disobedience can be used by God for His purposes.
The question of whether Trump will be a tool for judgment or deliverance, or both, is closely related to the question of America’s role in end-time prophecy. While there is no direct reference to America in biblical prophecy, the scope of Antichrist’s reign and kingdom may or may not include this continent. My personal opinion is that Antichrist will control the territory of the old Roman Empire, the 4th beast of Daniel 7, the feet of iron and clay of Nebuchadnezzar’s image in Daniel 2. He is the “little horn” of Daniel 7 & 8, and he will gain the territories of the 10 kings (10 toes) according to Revelation 17. Thus, in my opinion, he will not have direct sovereignty over America.
Revelation 12 describes the final “war in the heavens,” with Michael and his angels overthrowing Satan and his angels who are cast down to the earth for the “time of trouble.” In this prophecy the “woman” flees into the “wilderness” where God has already prepared a place for her to be nourished for the duration of the reign of Antichrist. The “woman” is the faithful, the bride of the Lamb, a concept drawn from the parallel passage in Galatians 4:21-31.
I have been considering the possibility that God has raised up President Trump as a tool to fulfill Revelation 12:6,14 (NKJV) 6 “Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days. … 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.”
There is another group preserved by God during this time, described in Revelation 7, the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel. That passage was clearly drawn directly from Ezekiel 9, where during the Babylonian exile God preserved the faithful remnant of Israel in a far-away foreign land. Compare this to the explanation given in the parable of the good and bad figs in Jeremiah 24. In Ezekiel’s day, Babylon was that place of safety and preservation.
I am considering the possibility of whether the United States is being prepared by God as a refuge for his faithful people to be spared from the wrath of Satan and Antichrist, both the 144,000 faithful from the 12 tribes and persecuted Christians from Antichrist’s dominion. This would certainly fit the “wings of a great eagle” given to the woman so she could “fly into the wilderness,” a term that would also fit America as viewed from John’s time and perspective. If so, the demonic realm would certainly be aware of this, and it might explain the irrational and fierce opposition to Trump by those who hate God and His established order.
12 thoughts on “Thoughts on the re-election of Donald Trump”
Pastor Tim,
thank you for sharing this perspective. I am wondering, does this affect the timeline you have written about in your book. If I understood correctly the Tribulation would begin near 2029, which would be after Trump’s tour in office. And please confirm if this protection of God’s faithful and the 144,000 occurs mid-trib. I appreciate your faithful teaching of God’s word.
Please see my response to Randy below. Yes, the flight of the woman to her place of safety is at the mid-point of the 70th week.
Hello, Tim,
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this as I have wondered what they were and how all of this played into biblical chronology.
I would have been surprised had the election gone the other way for the simple fact of where we are from creation. (5988 AM)
With Trump ineligible for 2028, I think it stands to reason that his successor would come from the same party, to finish the preparation of this place of safety as the 1960 years of Leviticus 26 comes to an end. I know that is getting a little ahead of myself as we need to focus on the here and now. However, I think of the time of plenty that Joseph had to prepare for the time of famine and wonder if this window, until 2029 (possibly until 2032), is for those who are watching! I see it as the last chance for folks to prepare for the worst and hope for the best which would be the US being that place of safety.
The election after that would be 2032 and we know that this will be almost halfway through Daniels 70th week where Rev 12:6 mentions the antichrist reigning and the woman fleeing to the place of safety, at that time.
I only mention that as those 1260 days lead us right up to the day of the Lord and the dawning of the Sabbath rest for Gods people, which all line up perfectly with the chronological evidence you have provided as well as Iraneus comments below.
“But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for
three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem”
Do you see the place of safety being during Trumps reign, or someone continuing what he does in these next 4 years, resulting in that place of safety?
For the record, I do agree God has sustained him, but whether for judgment or deliverance, I suppose a little of both but I am leaning more toward the deliverance side with the “place of safety” theory.
First let me say that I am 100% convinced that the second coming of Christ will be exactly at the end of the 6th millennium from creation, exactly as the earliest Christians after the Apostles claimed. I am also pretty confident in the chronology laid out in my book, The Time of the End. Whatever uncertainty might exist is in synchronizing our Gregorian calendar to the biblical calendar, particularly the dates of the crucifixion and destruction of Jerusalem being in AD 30 & AD 70.
IMO, the key is that the place of safety is prepared by God to receive the faithful remnant in advance according to Rev. 12. If this theory is correct, Trump’s role will be the advance preparation of this place to receive and sustain the faithful remnant, not necessarily in overseeing the nation once the refugees begin arriving. Trump’s second term will expire on Jan 20, 2029. Unless something drastic occurs which changes the 2-term limit, he cannot hold that office after that date.
Supposing that the “two witnesses” of Rev. 11 begin prophesying shortly after this, part of their message might reveal the location to where the faithful must flee. (Note the secret of the 7 thunders in Rev. 10 which John heard but was not allowed to write, yet he was told that he must prophesy again, most likely proclaiming the message of the 7 thunders). The evacuation and relocation of a huge number of people will be a long process which will take considerable time, even with modern transportation. Whoever succeeds Trump (maybe Vance?) would be in office almost until the AoD, when the evacuations would need to be complete. If his successor has two terms, that would extend to the end of the 6th millennium.
Of course, a lot can happen between now and then. I am merely speculating on how the recent events seem to be pointing to the biblical end-time scenario. There is also much more that needs to occur prior to the 70th week of Dan. 9, including the rise of the 10 kings in Europe (Dan. 2; Rev. 17). Yet all this actually seems far more likely now with Trump returning to the White House, given his tendency towards isolationism both economically and militarily. That puts Europe in a position where they are far less secure from the Russian threat and may require some serious reorganization to answer that threat, especially with China, Russia, N. Korea, and Iran seeming to be joining forces. Again, I am speculating based on my very limited knowledge of the global situation. But I am trying my best to discern the times and reconcile these both with prophecy and the end-time view of the earliest Christians who were familiar with the Apostolic tradition.
GOD said He will gather His people from the “four winds”. I’m thinking a specific place of safety in the U.S. not the whole country. I say that because there are a lot of Faithful from different places (Asia, Africa, Middle East, the Americas, etc) and for some people it doesnt matter if they are asian christian, latino christian, african christian, etc they don’t belong here. Some people believe that Trump emboldens those people to be more spiteful and hateful. Right now it is hard for me to imagine such a great influx of people not causing more dissension, protest, violence, etc. Perhaps there will be places of safety in other countries (the four winds) for the Faithful as well.
Yes, that is certainly possible. It is just a theory, and we will be keeping a keen eye on future developments to ascertain whether it is accurate or not, or perhaps partly accurate as you seem to suggest.
Regarding Trump triggering leftists to become more violent, that is only when they have the leftist government backing them up and pushing their insane woke agenda. Without that support in government, they are a bunch of snowflakes, cry-babies, and children having temper-tantrums. With strong law-enforcement and a no-nonsense government, that will quickly stop IMO.
I admit that I’m not big on political terminology (left and right, extreme and alternate, populism, etc). It has been and still is confusing for me especially these last several years. So I thought it was some form of the “right wing” that storm the White House and they were/are mostly Trump supportors as well as Trump himself being right wing ??
“Left” and “right” are relative terms and generally point to the opposite things Democrats support (left) vs. the kind of things the Republicans support (right).
“Left”: things like big government controlling many aspects of our lives including artificially controlling the economy, trying to make everyone economically “equal” regardless of their efforts or work ethics, thus taking from those who produce and giving it to those who do not, abortion, pushing the LGBTQ++++ agenda, tax-payer funded health care for all, open borders, more concerned for the “rights” of criminals and “illegals” than for law-abiding citizens, law enforcement, etc., creating uneven playing fields so that certain allegedly disadvantaged groups have an advantage in such things as education (eg. affirmative action), applying for jobs, etc., which require businesses and government agencies to have certain quotas of women, minority races, LGBTQ, also strict “climate change” regulations.
“Right”: limited government, low taxes, merit-based hiring (who is the best candidate for the job, rather than trying to find equity between ethnicities, gender, etc.), anti-abortion, pro- law enforcement, strong military, strong border enforcement.
There are some who take very extreme views in both parties and are referred to as “far right” and “far left.” Both of these are extremes because they tend to gravitate towards unfounded and unproven conspiracy theories.
The January 6th incident was a protest by what I would call the “extreme right” who bought into the conspiracy theory that voter fraud was really the cause of Trump’s loss (that he actually won). It was an attempt to intimidate the VP (Pence) not to do his duty and certify the election. Trump certainly bears much of the responsibility for that as he first bought into the conspiracy that was already being promoted, and then he promoted it, calling for a protest in DC (which got out of hand), and publicly calling for Pence to “do the right thing” and not certify the election results. On the other hand, the news media gave a very slanted account of what actually happened, portraying it as much worse than it was, which was not an “insurrection,” but a protest that got out of hand because of a few. In the end the court cases brought claiming wide-spread voter fraud were all found to lack hard evidence and all cases were dismissed. In short, while there is always some voter fraud (mostly on the Democrat side), it was nowhere near the level needed to overturn the election.
Trump is indeed “right wing” on most issues, but on some social issues he is more moderate than most Evangelical Christians. Take for example his abortion stance which is not nearly as “right wing” as what his supporters are. Yet he is very much for smaller government, less regulations, less taxes, strong on support of the military, police, pro-business, and very much for a strong border, and especially an “America first” approach to priorities, both regarding the economy and foreign policy.
Hi, Could Revelation 12’s ‘two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place’ occur in the same way as Enoch’s physical body being moved to another place?
I’m sorry, I meant Elijah.
I don’t think that is correct. One of the reasons is that the word “flee” in Matt. 24:16 and “fled” in Rev. 12:6 are active voice verbs, which means that the subject is doing the action. If God was relocating them, these would be passive voice verbs.
Thank you!