BBI II-D #03 John Calvin’s Ghost haunts ‘Biblical’ Unitarianism
So-called ‘Biblical’ Unitarians claim that the Son of God only existed, before becoming flesh, only in the MIND of God as a figment of His imagination, in His “plan.” To support this claim, they typically begin with 1 Peter 1:20 which states that He was “foreknown” before the “foundation of the world” but was “manifested” in these times. They then appeal to the Calvinistic interpretation of “foreknown” (pro-ginosko), as having knowledge of someone before they actually exist, and then apply this to Jesus. However, this Calvinistic interpretation of the Greek word pro-ginosko (fore-known) is clearly falsified by EVERY OTHER TIME the term appears in Scripture. It always refers to someone having experiential – knowledge, a real personal relationship with someone previously, BEFORE the PRESENT, not before they existed. Most ‘Biblical’ Unitarians oppose Calvinism yet borrow Calvinism’s alleged “proofs” in order to prop up their error. This foundational ‘Biblical’ Unitarian argument is internally inconsistent, even self-contradictory, thus illustrating its falsehood.
Go to: BBI II-D #4 Does God’s speaking through His Son LAST disprove preexistence?