I. Pristine Apostolic Monotheism
“For even if there are also so-called “gods,” whether in the sky or on the land, as there are even many gods and many masters, but to us there is one God, the Father, from whom everything exists, and we unto Him. There is also one Master, Jesus Anointed, through whom everything exists, and we through Him.” (1 Cor. 8:5-6 LGV)
Blog Posts:
- The Two Creeds of Pristine Christianity
- The Meaning of “One God”
- Progressive Revelation of “The Mystery”
- Fellowship & The Mission
- “To Whom has the ‘Arm of the Lord’ been Revealed?”
- Did God Create All Things Alone? (Isa. 44:24)
- Why the Human Jesus was called “Son of God” (Luke 1:35)
- The Many Expeditions of the Son of God (Micah 5:2)
- Jesus’ Riddle that stumped the Unitarian Pharisees
- Biblical Unitarian Double-Standards
- Unitarian Struggle to Assimilate John’s Prologue
- Logos’ Origin in John’s Prologue (John 1:3-4)
- The Son personally came down from Heaven (John 3:13)
- “Equal with God?” (John 5)
- “Whoever” Individually vs. “The Whole” Collectively
- The “Mystery” of the Son and His “Body”
- The “Firstborn Ones?” Israel the “Firstborn?”
- The Collective Son of God in 1 John
- The Son begotten out of God (John 1:13)
- Did Thomas call Jesus “God?”
- Did the “Son of God / Son of Man” have 1 or 2 Origins?
- Live Discussion on “Preexistence” with Anthony Buzzard
- Dale Tuggy & Dustin Smith Exegesis of Philippians 2:5-10
- 1 John 1:1 “That which…” or “The One who…”?
- Isaiah 9:6 is not about Jesus’ Virgin Birth
- Daniel 3:25 Was the 4th Man “like the Son of God” or “like a son of the gods?”
Biblical Articles (pdf):
- Questions for Trinitarians
- Questions for Unitarians
- One God, the Father
- One Master, Jesus Christ
- The Breath of God
- God & His “Apprentice” in Creation
- Did God Create all Things Alone?
- The “Messenger” of God
- The Son as “The Beginning” in Prov. 8
- “Melchizedek” is the Son of God
- Heb. 1:1 Unitarian Proof text?
- The Many Expeditions of the Son of God (Micah 5:2)
- “Logos” & Preexistence in Judaism
- “Logos” in John’s Prologue
- The Son of God in the Synoptics
- Why the Human Jesus was called “Son of God”
- Colossians 1:15-20 Exegesis
- The 4 Principles of Divine Procreation
- The Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage of God’s Son
- How was the Son “Foreknown”? (1 Pet. 1:20)
- Trinitarian Obfuscation of Jesus’ Example
- Unitarian Obfuscation of God’s Love & Jesus’ Sacrifice
The Evolution of God Series (pdf):
- Foundational Principles
- Corruption in Apostolic Times
- Fragments of the Apostolic Fathers
- The Early Christian Apologists
- The Intrusion of Pseudo-Revelation
- The Intrusion of Greek Philosophy
- The Emperor’s New Clothes
- The Christology of Sir Isaac Newton
- Barton W Stone & the Restoration Movement
- BBI II-A: #1 Objectivity in the Pursuit of Pristine Monotheism
- BBI II-A: #2 Most Christians don’t know what the word “God” means
- BBI II-A: #3 To Whom was God speaking in Genesis 1?
- BBI II-A: #4 The “Word” was God’s Subordinate Agent in Creation (Jn. 1:1-3)
- BBI II-A: #5 Origin of the “WORD” as the first “LIFE” (Jn. 1:3-4)
- BBI II-A: #6 The Grammar proves that Jesus existed as Logos (Jn. 1:10-12)
- BBI II-A: #7 The One “Begotten out of God” later “Became Flesh” (Jn. 1:12-14)
- BBI II-A: #8 “Ginomai” (Became) & “Monogenes” (Only-begotten) (Jn. 1:14)
- BBI II-A: #9 John the Baptist Testified to Jesus’ Preexistence (Jn. 1:15)
- BBI II-A: #10 No one has ever seen God; they saw His Son (Jn. 1:18)
- BBI II-A: #11 Jesus, Sole Eyewitness to the Things in Heaven (Jn. 3)
- BBI II-A: #12 In what Way was Jesus “Equal with God?” (Jn. 5)
- BBI II-A: #13 Jesus literally & personally came down from heaven (Jn. 6)
- BBI II-A: #14 Jesus “came forth out of God,” “from heaven,” was “Wisdom,” saw Abraham
- BBI II-A: #15 The NAIL in the COFFIN of Socinian Unitarianism
- BBI II-B #1 The “SECRET” missed by Biblical Unitarians
- BBI II-B #2 The “Begetting” of Wisdom
- BBI II-B #3 God announces His Son, Wisdom
- BBI II-B #4 “Wisdom” as God’s Son, His Agent in Creating and Redeeming Everything
- BBI II-B #5 The Son & Creation, 3 Biblical Unitarian FAILS
- BBI II-C #1 Yahweh’s “Messenger” was His Son
- BBI II-C #2 “The Mighty One of Jacob” as Yahweh’s “Messenger”
- BBI II-C #3 Yahweh’s Messenger & the Exodus
- BBI II-C #4 Hezekiah’s Deliverer & the Messiah
- BBI II-C #5 Yahweh’s “Mighty Hand” & “Outstretched Arm”
- BBI II-C #6 The Divorce & Remarriage of the Lamb
- BBI II-D #1 The “Genesis” of Jesus Christ ? (Matt. 1:18 & Luke 1:35)
- BBI II-D #2 No Preexistence in the Synoptic Gospels?
- BBI II-D #3 John Calvin’s GHOST haunts ‘Biblical’ Unitarians!
- BBI II-D #4 Does God’s speaking through His Son LAST disprove preexistence?
- BBI II-D #5 Philippians 2:5-8 & “Kenosis”
- BBI II-D #6 Preexistence & “Kenosis” in the Earliest Christian Writings